About Us


• Brief factory:
-- Plants with a history and experience of more than thirty years in the plastics industry
- Distinct from other plants industry in producing a bath for the first time in Egypt and the Middle East without wood and the same size
   - Using the latest machines in the global manufacturing   sanitary tools and acrylic bagnoud

- Using the finest raw materials in the global industry   Sanitaryware chemically treated against friction
 • characteristics of the product:
  -- Wizard chemically against shocks and friction
  -- Made from the finest types of raw materials
  -- Ensure five years on the product and replacement   immediately
  -- Manufactured product with international machines
  -- The first product manufactured in Egypt and the Middle   East without wood and the same size

Product Characteristics


Wizard chemically against shocks and friction
Made from the finest types of raw materials
Guarantee five years on the product and replacement immediately Manufactured
product art machines World
The first product manufactured in Egypt and the Middle East without wood and
the same size
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